//Javascript name: My Date Time Picker //Date created: 16-Nov-2003 23:19 //Scripter: TengYong Ng //Website: http://www.rainforestnet.com //Copyright (c) 2003 TengYong Ng //FileName: DateTimePicker_css.js //Version: 2.0.2 // Note: Permission given to use and modify this script in ANY kind of applications if // header lines are left unchanged. //Date changed: 24-Dec-2007 by Burgsoft (Holland) //Changed: Year picker as drop down. Code optimised. Tables filled with blank fields as needed. //Known (non fatal) issue: javascript remains running after month or year select //New Css style version added by Yvan Lavoie (Qubec, Canada) 29-Jan-2009 //Global variables var winCal; var dtToday; var Cal; var MonthName; var WeekDayName1; var WeekDayName2; var exDateTime;//Existing Date and Time var selDate;//selected date. version 1.7 var calSpanID = "calBorder"; // span ID var domStyle=null; // span DOM object with style var cnLeft="0";//left coordinate of calendar span var cnTop="0";//top coordinate of calendar span var xpos=0; // mouse x position var ypos=0; // mouse y position var calHeight=0; // calendar height var CalWidth=208;// calendar width var CellWidth=30;// width of day cell. var TimeMode=24;// TimeMode value. 12 or 24 //Configurable parameters //var WindowTitle="DateTime Picker";//Date Time Picker title. var SpanBorderColor = "#cdcdcd";//span border color var SpanBgColor = "#cdcdcd";//span background color var WeekChar=2;//number of character for week day. if 2 then Mo,Tu,We. if 3 then Mon,Tue,Wed. var DateSeparator="-";//Date Separator, you can change it to "-" if you want. var ShowLongMonth=true;//Show long month name in Calendar header. example: "January". var ShowMonthYear=true;//Show Month and Year in Calendar header. var MonthYearColor="#cc0033";//Font Color of Month and Year in Calendar header. var WeekHeadColor="#18861B";//Background Color in Week header. var SundayColor="#FFEBD9";//Background color of Sunday. var SaturdayColor="#F0F0FF";//Background color of Saturday. var WeekDayColor="white";//Background color of weekdays. var FontColor="black";//color of font in Calendar day cell. var TodayColor="#FFFF33";//Background color of today. var SelDateColor="#8DD53C";//Backgrond color of selected date in textbox. var YrSelColor="#cc0033";//color of font of Year selector. var MthSelColor="#cc0033";//color of font of Month selector if "MonthSelector" is "arrow". var ThemeBg="";//Background image of Calendar window. var CalBgColor="#EEEEEE";//Backgroud color of Calendar window. var PrecedeZero=true;//Preceding zero [true|false] var MondayFirstDay=false;//true:Use Monday as first day; false:Sunday as first day. [true|false] //added in version 1.7 var UseImageFiles = true;//Use image files with "arrows" and "close" button //use the Month and Weekday in your preferred language. var MonthName=["มกราคม", "กุมภาพันธ์", "มีนาคม", "เมษายน", "พฤษภาคม", "มิถุนายน","กรกฎาคม","สิงหาคม", "กันยายน", "ตุลาคม", "พฤศจิกายน", "ธันวาคม"]; var WeekDayName1=["อา","จ","อ","พ","พฤ","ศ","ส"]; var WeekDayName2=["จ","อ","พ","พฤ","ศ","ส","อา"]; //end Configurable parameters //end Global variable // Default events configuration document.onmousedown = pickIt; document.onmousemove = dragIt; document.onmouseup = dropIt; function NewCssCal(pCtrl,pFormat,pScroller,pShowTime,pTimeMode,pHideSeconds) { // get current date and time dtToday = new Date(); Cal=new Calendar(dtToday); if ((pShowTime!=null) && (pShowTime)) { Cal.ShowTime=true; if ((pTimeMode!=null) &&((pTimeMode=='12')||(pTimeMode=='24'))) { TimeMode=pTimeMode; } else TimeMode='24'; if (pHideSeconds!=null) { if (pHideSeconds) {Cal.ShowSeconds=false;} else {Cal.ShowSeconds=true;} } else { Cal.ShowSeconds=false; } } if (pCtrl!=null) Cal.Ctrl=pCtrl; if (pFormat!=null) Cal.Format=pFormat.toUpperCase(); else Cal.Format="MMDDYYYY"; if (pScroller!=null) { if (pScroller.toUpperCase()=="ARROW") { Cal.Scroller="ARROW"; } else { Cal.Scroller="DROPDOWN"; } } //exDateTime=document.getElementById(pCtrl).value; exDateTime=document.getElementById(pCtrl+"_dat").value+"-"+document.getElementById(pCtrl+"_mon").value+"-"+document.getElementById(pCtrl+"_yea").value; //alert(exDateTime); if (exDateTime!="") { //Parse existing Date String var Sp1;//Index of Date Separator 1 var Sp2;//Index of Date Separator 2 var tSp1;//Index of Time Separator 1 var tSp1;//Index of Time Separator 2 var strMonth; var strDate; var strYear; var intMonth; var YearPattern; var strHour; var strMinute; var strSecond; var winHeight; //parse month Sp1=exDateTime.indexOf(DateSeparator,0) Sp2=exDateTime.indexOf(DateSeparator,(parseInt(Sp1)+1)); var offset=parseInt(Cal.Format.toUpperCase().lastIndexOf("M"))-parseInt(Cal.Format.toUpperCase().indexOf("M"))-1; if ((Cal.Format.toUpperCase()=="DDMMYYYY") || (Cal.Format.toUpperCase()=="DDMMMYYYY")) { if (DateSeparator=="") { strMonth=exDateTime.substring(2,4+offset); strDate=exDateTime.substring(0,2); strYear=exDateTime.substring(4+offset,8+offset); } else { strMonth=exDateTime.substring(Sp1+1,Sp2); strDate=exDateTime.substring(0,Sp1); strYear=exDateTime.substring(Sp2+1,Sp2+5); } } else if ((Cal.Format.toUpperCase()=="MMDDYYYY") || (Cal.Format.toUpperCase()=="MMMDDYYYY")) { if (DateSeparator=="") { strMonth=exDateTime.substring(0,2+offset); strDate=exDateTime.substring(2+offset,4+offset); strYear=exDateTime.substring(4+offset,8+offset); } else { strMonth=exDateTime.substring(0,Sp1); strDate=exDateTime.substring(Sp1+1,Sp2); strYear=exDateTime.substring(Sp2+1,Sp2+5); } } else if ((Cal.Format.toUpperCase()=="YYYYMMDD") || (Cal.Format.toUpperCase()=="YYYYMMMDD")) { if (DateSeparator=="") { strMonth=exDateTime.substring(4,6+offset); strDate=exDateTime.substring(6+offset,8+offset); strYear=exDateTime.substring(0,4); } else { strMonth=exDateTime.substring(Sp1+1,Sp2); strDate=exDateTime.substring(Sp2+1,Sp2+3); strYear=exDateTime.substring(0,Sp1); } } if (isNaN(strMonth)) intMonth=Cal.GetMonthIndex(strMonth); else intMonth=parseInt(strMonth,10)-1; if ((parseInt(intMonth,10)>=0) && (parseInt(intMonth,10)<12)) Cal.Month=intMonth; //end parse month //parse Date if ((parseInt(strDate,10)<=Cal.GetMonDays()) && (parseInt(strDate,10)>=1)) Cal.Date=strDate; //end parse Date //parse year YearPattern=/^\d{4}$/; if (YearPattern.test(strYear)) Cal.Year=parseInt(strYear,10); //end parse year //parse time if (Cal.ShowTime==true) { //parse AM or PM if (TimeMode==12) { strAMPM=exDateTime.substring(exDateTime.length-2,exDateTime.length) Cal.AMorPM=strAMPM; } tSp1=exDateTime.indexOf(":",0) tSp2=exDateTime.indexOf(":",(parseInt(tSp1)+1)); if (tSp1>0) { strHour=exDateTime.substring(tSp1,(tSp1)-2); Cal.SetHour(strHour); strMinute=exDateTime.substring(tSp1+1,tSp1+3); Cal.SetMinute(strMinute); strSecond=exDateTime.substring(tSp2+1,tSp2+3); Cal.SetSecond(strSecond); } } } selDate=new Date(Cal.Year,Cal.Month,Cal.Date);//version 1.7 RenderCssCal(true); } function RenderCssCal(bNewCal) { if (typeof bNewCal == "undefined" || bNewCal != true) {bNewCal = false;} var vCalHeader; var vCalData; var vCalTime=""; var i; var j; var SelectStr; var vDayCount=0; var vFirstDay; calHeight = 0; // reset the window height on refresh // Set the default cursor for the calendar winCalData="\n"; if (ThemeBg==""){CalBgColor="bgcolor='"+WeekDayColor+"'"} vCalHeader="\n"; //Table for Month & Year Selector vCalHeader+="\n\n\n" //******************End Month and Year selector in arrow****************************** //Calendar header shows Month and Year if ((ShowMonthYear)&&(Cal.Scroller=="DROPDOWN")) { vCalHeader+="\n"; calHeight += 19; } //Week day header vCalHeader+="\n"; var WeekDayName=new Array();//Added version 1.7 if (MondayFirstDay==true) WeekDayName=WeekDayName2; else WeekDayName=WeekDayName1; for (i=0;i<7;i++) { vCalHeader+="\n"; } calHeight += 19; vCalHeader+="\n"; //Calendar detail CalDate=new Date(Cal.Year,Cal.Month); CalDate.setDate(1); vFirstDay=CalDate.getDay(); //Added version 1.7 if (MondayFirstDay==true) { vFirstDay-=1; if (vFirstDay==-1) vFirstDay=6; } //Added version 1.7 vCalData=""; calHeight += 19; for (i=0;i 1)) { vCalData=vCalData+"\n"; } vDayCount=vDayCount+1; if ((j==dtToday.getDate())&&(Cal.Month==dtToday.getMonth())&&(Cal.Year==dtToday.getFullYear())) strCell=GenCell(j,true,TodayColor);//Highlight today's date else { if ((j==selDate.getDate())&&(Cal.Month==selDate.getMonth())&&(Cal.Year==selDate.getFullYear())) { //modified version 1.7 strCell=GenCell(j,true,SelDateColor); } else { if (MondayFirstDay==true) { if (vDayCount%7==0) strCell=GenCell(j,false,SundayColor); else if ((vDayCount+1)%7==0) strCell=GenCell(j,false,SaturdayColor); else strCell=GenCell(j,null,WeekDayColor); } else { if (vDayCount%7==0) strCell=GenCell(j,false,SaturdayColor); else if ((vDayCount+6)%7==0) strCell=GenCell(j,false,SundayColor); else strCell=GenCell(j,null,WeekDayColor); } } } vCalData=vCalData+strCell; if((vDayCount%7==0)&&(j"; calHeight += 19; } } // finish the table proper if(!(vDayCount%7) == 0) { while(!(vDayCount % 7) == 0) { vCalData=vCalData+GenCell(); vDayCount=vDayCount+1; } } vCalData=vCalData+"\n"; //Time picker if (Cal.ShowTime) { var showHour; var ShowArrows=false; var HourCellWidth="35px"; //cell width with seconds. showHour=Cal.getShowHour(); if (Cal.ShowSeconds==false && TimeMode==24 ) { ShowArrows=true; HourCellWidth="10px"; } vCalTime="\n\n\n"; calHeight += 31; vCalTime+="\n
\n\n\n"; //******************Month and Year selector in dropdown list************************ if (Cal.Scroller=="DROPDOWN") { vCalHeader+="\n"; //Year selector vCalHeader+="\n"; calHeight += 30; } //******************End Month and Year selector in dropdown list********************* //******************Month and Year selector in arrow********************************* else if (Cal.Scroller=="ARROW") { if (UseImageFiles) { vCalHeader+="\n";//Year scroller (decrease 1 year) vCalHeader+="\n";//Month scroller (decrease 1 month) vCalHeader+="\n"//Month and Year vCalHeader+="\n";//Month scroller (increase 1 month) vCalHeader+="\n";//Year scroller (increase 1 year) calHeight += 22; } else { vCalHeader+="";//Year scroller (decrease 1 year) vCalHeader+="\n";//Month scroller (decrease 1 month) vCalHeader+="\n"//Month and Year vCalHeader+="\n";//Month scroller (increase 1 month) vCalHeader+="\n";//Year scroller (increase 1 year) calHeight += 22; } } vCalHeader+="\n
"+Cal.GetMonthName(ShowLongMonth)+" "+(Cal.Year+543)+"-<"+Cal.GetMonthName(ShowLongMonth)+" "+Cal.Year+">+
\n"+Cal.GetMonthName(ShowLongMonth)+" "+Cal.Year+"\n
\n\n\n\n"; if (ShowArrows && UseImageFiles) { vCalTime+="\n"; } vCalTime+="\n\n\n"; } else { vCalTime+="x"; } vCalTime+="\n
"; vCalTime+=":"; vCalTime+=""; if (Cal.ShowSeconds) { vCalTime+=":"; vCalTime+=""; } if (TimeMode==12) { var SelectAm =(Cal.AMorPM=="AM")? "Selected":""; var SelectPm =(Cal.AMorPM=="PM")? "Selected":""; vCalTime+=""; vCalTime+=""; } if (ShowArrows && UseImageFiles) { vCalTime+="
"; } vCalTime+="
"; } else {vCalTime+="\n
";} if (UseImageFiles) { vCalTime+=" ปิด
"; //end time picker var funcCalback="function callback(id, datum) {\n"; //funcCalback+=" alert(datum)\n"; funcCalback+=" datuma=datum.split('-');\n"; funcCalback+=" curr_date=parseInt(datuma[0]);\n"; funcCalback+=" curr_month=parseInt(datuma[1]);\n"; funcCalback+=" curr_year=parseInt(datuma[2]);\n"; funcCalback+=" tmp=getobj(id+'_dat');\n"; funcCalback+=" for (i=0;i< tmp.options.length;i++) {\n"; funcCalback+=" if (tmp.options[i].value==curr_date) {\n"; funcCalback+=" tmp.options[i].selected=true\n"; funcCalback+=" }\n"; funcCalback+=" }\n"; funcCalback+=" \n"; funcCalback+=" tmp=getobj(id+'_mon');\n"; funcCalback+=" for (i=0;i< tmp.options.length;i++) {\n"; funcCalback+=" if (tmp.options[i].value==curr_month) {\n"; funcCalback+=" tmp.options[i].selected=true\n"; funcCalback+=" }\n"; funcCalback+=" }\n"; funcCalback+=" tmp=getobj(id+'_yea');\n"; funcCalback+=" for (i=0;i< tmp.options.length;i++) {\n"; funcCalback+=" if (tmp.options[i].value==curr_year) {\n"; funcCalback+=" tmp.options[i].selected=true\n"; funcCalback+=" }\n"; funcCalback+=" }\n"; funcCalback+=" closewin(id);\n"; //funcCalback+=" alert(curr_year);\n"; funcCalback+=" var CalId = document.getElementById(id); CalId.value=datum;\n"; funcCalback+=" if (Cal.ShowTime) {\n"; funcCalback+=" CalId.value+=' '+Cal.getShowHour()+':'+Cal.Minutes;\n"; funcCalback+=" if (Cal.ShowSeconds)\n CalId.value+=':'+Cal.Seconds;\n"; funcCalback+=" if (TimeMode==12)\n CalId.value+=' '+Cal.getShowAMorPM();\n"; funcCalback+="}\n CalId.focus(); \n winCal.style.visibility='hidden';\n}\n"; // determines if there is enough space to open the cal above the position where it is called if (ypos > calHeight) { ypos = ypos - calHeight; } if (winCal == undefined) { var headID = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; // add javascript function to the span cal var e = document.createElement("script"); e.type = "text/javascript"; e.language = "javascript"; e.text = funcCalback; headID.appendChild(e); // add stylesheet to the span cal var cssStr = ".calTD {font-family: verdana; font-size: 12px; text-align: center;}\n"; cssStr+= ".calR {font-family: verdana; font-size: 12px; text-align: center; font-weight: bold; color: red;}" var style = document.createElement("style"); style.type = "text/css"; style.rel = "stylesheet"; if(style.styleSheet) { // IE style.styleSheet.cssText = cssStr; } else { // w3c var cssText = document.createTextNode(cssStr); style.appendChild(cssText); } headID.appendChild(style); // create the outer frame that allows the cal. to be moved var span = document.createElement("span"); span.id = calSpanID; with (span.style) {position = "absolute"; left = (xpos+8)+'px'; top = (ypos-8)+'px'; width = CalWidth; border = "solid 2pt " + SpanBorderColor; padding = "0pt"; cursor = "move"; backgroundColor = SpanBgColor; zIndex = 100;} document.body.appendChild(span) winCal=document.getElementById(calSpanID); } else { winCal.style.visibility = "visible"; winCal.style.Height = calHeight; // set the position for a new calendar only if(bNewCal==true){ winCal.style.left = (xpos+8)+'px'; winCal.style.top = (ypos-8)+'px'; } } winCal.innerHTML=winCalData + vCalHeader + vCalData + vCalTime; return true; } function GenCell(pValue,pHighLight,pColor) { //Generate table cell with value var PValue; var PCellStr; var vColor; var vHLstr1;//HighLight string var vHlstr2; var vTimeStr; if (pValue==null) PValue=""; else PValue=pValue; if (pColor!=null) vColor="bgcolor=\""+pColor+"\""; else vColor=CalBgColor; if ((pHighLight!=null)&&(pHighLight)) { vHLstr1="";vHLstr2=""; } else { vHLstr1="";vHLstr2=""; } if (Cal.ShowTime) { vTimeStr=' '+Cal.Hours+':'+Cal.Minutes; if (Cal.ShowSeconds) vTimeStr+=':'+Cal.Seconds; if (TimeMode==12) vTimeStr+=' '+Cal.AMorPM; } else vTimeStr=""; if (PValue!="") PCellStr="\n"+vHLstr1+PValue+vHLstr2+""; else PCellStr="\n "; return PCellStr; } function Calendar(pDate,pCtrl) { //Properties this.Date=pDate.getDate();//selected date this.Month=pDate.getMonth();//selected month number this.Year=pDate.getFullYear();//selected year in 4 digits this.Hours=pDate.getHours(); if (pDate.getMinutes()<10) this.Minutes="0"+pDate.getMinutes(); else this.Minutes=pDate.getMinutes(); if (pDate.getSeconds()<10) this.Seconds="0"+pDate.getSeconds(); else this.Seconds=pDate.getSeconds(); this.MyWindow=winCal; this.Ctrl=pCtrl; this.Format="ddMMyyyy"; this.Separator=DateSeparator; this.ShowTime=false; this.Scroller="DROPDOWN"; if (pDate.getHours()<12) this.AMorPM="AM"; else this.AMorPM="PM"; this.ShowSeconds=true; } function GetMonthIndex(shortMonthName) { for (i=0;i<12;i++) { if (MonthName[i].substring(0,3).toUpperCase()==shortMonthName.toUpperCase()) {return i;} } } Calendar.prototype.GetMonthIndex=GetMonthIndex; function IncYear() { Cal.Year++;} Calendar.prototype.IncYear=IncYear; function DecYear() { Cal.Year--;} Calendar.prototype.DecYear=DecYear; function IncMonth() { Cal.Month++; if (Cal.Month>=12) { Cal.Month=0; Cal.IncYear(); } } Calendar.prototype.IncMonth=IncMonth; function DecMonth() { Cal.Month--; if (Cal.Month<0) { Cal.Month=11; Cal.DecYear(); } } Calendar.prototype.DecMonth=DecMonth; function SwitchMth(intMth) { Cal.Month=intMth;} Calendar.prototype.SwitchMth=SwitchMth; function SwitchYear(intYear) { Cal.Year=intYear;} Calendar.prototype.SwitchYear=SwitchYear; function SetHour(intHour) { var MaxHour; var MinHour; if (TimeMode==24) { MaxHour=23;MinHour=0} else if (TimeMode==12) { MaxHour=12;MinHour=1} else alert("TimeMode can only be 12 or 24"); var HourExp=new RegExp("^\\d\\d"); var SingleDigit=new RegExp("\\d"); if ((HourExp.test(intHour) || SingleDigit.test(intHour)) && (parseInt(intHour,10)>MaxHour)) { intHour = MinHour; } else if ((HourExp.test(intHour) || SingleDigit.test(intHour)) && (parseInt(intHour,10)=MinHour)) { if ((TimeMode==12) && (Cal.AMorPM=="PM")) { if (parseInt(intHour,10)==12) Cal.Hours=12; else Cal.Hours=parseInt(intHour,10)+12; } else if ((TimeMode==12) && (Cal.AMorPM=="AM")) { if (intHour==12) intHour-=12; Cal.Hours=parseInt(intHour,10); } else if (TimeMode==24) Cal.Hours=parseInt(intHour,10); } } Calendar.prototype.SetHour=SetHour; function SetMinute(intMin) { var MaxMin=59; var MinMin=0; var SingleDigit=new RegExp("\\d"); var SingleDigit2=new RegExp("^\\d{1}$"); var MinExp=new RegExp("^\\d{2}$"); if ((MinExp.test(intMin) || SingleDigit.test(intMin)) && (parseInt(intMin,10)>MaxMin)) { intMin = MinMin; } else if ((MinExp.test(intMin) || SingleDigit.test(intMin)) && (parseInt(intMin,10)=0)) { Cal.Minutes=strMin; } } Calendar.prototype.SetMinute=SetMinute; function SetSecond(intSec) { var MaxSec=59; var MinSec=0; var SingleDigit=new RegExp("\\d"); var SingleDigit2=new RegExp("^\\d{1}$"); var SecExp=new RegExp("^\\d{2}$"); if ((SecExp.test(intSec) || SingleDigit.test(intSec)) && (parseInt(intSec,10)>MaxSec)) { intSec = MinSec; } else if ((SecExp.test(intSec) || SingleDigit.test(intSec)) && (parseInt(intSec,10)=0)) { Cal.Seconds=strSec; } } Calendar.prototype.SetSecond=SetSecond; function SetAmPm(pvalue) { this.AMorPM=pvalue; if (pvalue=="PM") { this.Hours=(parseInt(this.Hours,10))+12; if (this.Hours==24) this.Hours=12; } else if (pvalue=="AM") this.Hours-=12; } Calendar.prototype.SetAmPm=SetAmPm; function getShowHour() { var finalHour; if (TimeMode==12) { if (parseInt(this.Hours,10)==0) { this.AMorPM="AM"; finalHour=parseInt(this.Hours,10)+12; } else if (parseInt(this.Hours,10)==12) { this.AMorPM="PM"; finalHour=12; } else if (this.Hours>12) { this.AMorPM="PM"; if ((this.Hours-12) < 10) finalHour="0"+((parseInt(this.Hours,10))-12); else finalHour=parseInt(this.Hours,10)-12; } else { this.AMorPM="AM"; if (this.Hours < 10) finalHour="0"+parseInt(this.Hours,10); else finalHour=this.Hours; } } else if (TimeMode==24) { if (this.Hours < 10) finalHour="0"+parseInt(this.Hours,10); else finalHour=this.Hours; } return finalHour; } Calendar.prototype.getShowHour=getShowHour; function getShowAMorPM() { return this.AMorPM; } Calendar.prototype.getShowAMorPM=getShowAMorPM; function GetMonthName(IsLong) { var Month=MonthName[this.Month]; if (IsLong) return Month; else return Month.substr(0,3); } Calendar.prototype.GetMonthName=GetMonthName; function GetMonDays() { //Get number of days in a month var DaysInMonth=[31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]; if (this.IsLeapYear()) { DaysInMonth[1]=29; } return DaysInMonth[this.Month]; } Calendar.prototype.GetMonDays=GetMonDays; function IsLeapYear() { if ((this.Year%4)==0) { if ((this.Year%100==0) && (this.Year%400)!=0) { return false; } else { return true; } } else { return false; } } Calendar.prototype.IsLeapYear=IsLeapYear; function FormatDate(pDate) { var MonthDigit=this.Month+1; if (PrecedeZero==true) { if (pDate < 10) pDate="0"+pDate; if (MonthDigit < 10) MonthDigit="0"+MonthDigit; } if (this.Format.toUpperCase()=="DDMMYYYY") return (pDate+DateSeparator+MonthDigit+DateSeparator+this.Year); else if (this.Format.toUpperCase()=="DDMMMYYYY") return (pDate+DateSeparator+this.GetMonthName(false)+DateSeparator+this.Year); else if (this.Format.toUpperCase()=="MMDDYYYY") return (MonthDigit+DateSeparator+pDate+DateSeparator+this.Year); else if (this.Format.toUpperCase()=="MMMDDYYYY") return (this.GetMonthName(false)+DateSeparator+pDate+DateSeparator+this.Year); else if (this.Format.toUpperCase()=="YYYYMMDD") return (this.Year+DateSeparator+MonthDigit+DateSeparator+pDate); else if (this.Format.toUpperCase()=="YYYYMMMDD") return (this.Year+DateSeparator+this.GetMonthName(false)+DateSeparator+pDate); else return (pDate+DateSeparator+(this.Month+1)+DateSeparator+this.Year); } Calendar.prototype.FormatDate=FormatDate; function closewin(id) { //alert(id); var CalId = document.getElementById(id); //CalId.focus(); winCal.style.visibility='hidden'; } function changeBorder(element, col) { if (col == 0) { element.style.borderColor = "black"; element.style.cursor = "pointer"; } else { element.style.borderColor = "white"; element.style.cursor = "auto"; } } function pickIt(evt) { // accesses the element that generates the event and retrieves its ID if (window.addEventListener) { // w3c var objectID = evt.target.id; if (objectID.indexOf(calSpanID) != -1){ var dom = document.getElementById(objectID); cnLeft=evt.pageX; cnTop=evt.pageY; if (dom.offsetLeft){ cnLeft = (cnLeft - dom.offsetLeft); cnTop = (cnTop - dom.offsetTop); } } // get mouse position on click xpos = (evt.pageX); ypos = (evt.pageY); } else { // IE var objectID = event.srcElement.id; cnLeft=event.offsetX; cnTop=(event.offsetY); // get mouse position on click var de = document.documentElement; var b = document.body; xpos = event.clientX + (de.scrollLeft || b.scrollLeft) - (de.clientLeft || 0); ypos = event.clientY + (de.scrollTop || b.scrollTop) - (de.clientTop || 0); } // verify if this is a valid element to pick if (objectID.indexOf(calSpanID) != -1){ domStyle = document.getElementById(objectID).style; } if (domStyle) { domStyle.zIndex = 100; return false; } else { domStyle = null; return; } } function dragIt(evt) { if (domStyle) { if (window.Event) { domStyle.left = (evt.clientX-cnLeft + document.body.scrollLeft)+'px'; domStyle.top = (evt.clientY-cnTop + document.body.scrollTop)+'px'; } else { domStyle.left = (event.clientX-cnLeft + document.body.scrollLeft)+'px'; domStyle.top = (event.clientY-cnTop + document.body.scrollTop)+'px'; } } } function dropIt() { if (domStyle) { domStyle.zIndex = 0; domStyle = null; } }